Enterprise Integration Development Projects
The following are "open" initiatives that are intended to develop
standards, methodologies and/or tools to more effectively implement Enterprise
Integration projects. These development projects may be undetaken by standards
groups (e.g. ISA or MESA), research organizations (like Purdue or MIT), or collaborative
industry groups (like API or EPRI). Only "Open" development projects
are included. These Open Projects offer their results to all participants and
(preferably) to all enterprises. Proprietary "in-house" development
programs are not included.
If you click on any of the links below, you will see a short discsussion of
the development project, and/or a link to the development group's website.
Reference Architecture Framework - Updated Nov. 2024
This is a project of the IT Architecture SIG of MIMOSA. It provides:
- a Reference Architecture Framework (RAF) for Integrated Engineering
and Operations
- a guide for defining and designing new IT systems
- and a classification system for describing existing IT infrastructure
It is intended for the upstream Oil & Gas industry, downstream Petrochemical
industry, and for Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) projects.
- ISO 15926 - Updated Nov 2024
The primary objective of ISO 15926 is integration of life-cycle data for process plants, including oil and gas production facilities.
ISO 15926 has the following parts (as of February 2022):
- Part 1 - Overview and fundamental principles
- Part 2 - Data model
- Part 3 - Reference data for geometry and topology
- Part 4 - Reference Data, the terms used within facilities for the process industry
- Part 6 - Methodology for the development and validation of reference data (under development)
- Part 7 - Template methodology
- Part 8 - OWL/RDF implementation
- Part 9 - Implementation standards, with the focus on standard web servers, web services, and security (under development)
- Part 10 - Conformance testing
- Part 11 - Methodology for simplified industrial usage of reference data (under development)
- Part 12 - Life cycle integration ontology in Web Ontology Language (OWL2)
- Part 13 - Integrated lifecycle asset planning
For a detailed explanation read the paper ISO 15926 - the Lingua Franca of global interoperability
Wikipedia provides an excellent history of the development of this standard.
- IEC SC 65E is the subcommittee that addresses Devices and Integration in Enterprise Systems
The following are some Enterprise Integration standards you may find useful:
- IEC 61804 Process Control Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL)
- IEC 61987 Industrial Process Measurement and Control - Data Structures and Elements in Process Equipment Catalogues
- IEC 62264 Enterprise Control System Integration: Objects and attributes for manufacturing operations management integration
- IEC 62453 Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specification
- IEC 62451 OPC Unified Architecture
- IEC 62714 Engineering data exchange format for use in industrial automation systems engineering (Automation Markup Language)
- IEC 62769 Devices and integration in enterprise systems
Go to the IEC website ( https://www.iec.ch/homepage ) and search for SC_65E to see the status of each standard development project,including expected publishing dates. Note: You may need to set up an account to access this information.
- OGI Pilot
The Oil and Gas Interoperability (OGI) Pilot is a public interoperability test-bed jointly run by MIMOSA in cooperation with multiple other industry associations. The Pilot uses the Open Industrial Interoperability Ecosystem (OIIE) architecture and feeds back lessons learned from implementations of OIIE Use Cases.
- Energistics Common Technical Architecture
is a set of shared technology that provides a common foundation for the Energistics family of standards (WITSML, PRODML and RESQML), better harmonizing those standards and making them easier to implement.
- Standards Leadership Council
objective is to unite leaders of upstream oil and gas industry standards organizations in a collaborative environment promoting the adoption of open and freely-available standards.
Founding rganizations were: Energistics, PPDM Association, PIDX, Open Geospatial
Consortium, OPC Foundation, PODS, POSC Caesar Association, and MIMOSA. SLC meet twice a year to coordinate efforts on standards.
- ISA 108 - Intelligent Field Device Configuration Management
The purpose of ISA108 is to define standard templates of best practices and work processes for implementation and use of diagnostic and other information provided by intelligent field devices in the process industries. It consists of
3 parts:
- Part 1: Concepts and Terminology
- Part 2: Work Process Specifications
- Part 2.1: Configuration and Revision Management
- Part 2.2: Diagnostics Management
- Part 2.3: Field Procedure Management
- Part 3.x: Implementation Guide
In most cases, assistance is available from the support organizations listed
on the websites above.
Please send comments to Gary Rathwell
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