Enterprise Integration Standards
The following are a number of Key Enterprise Integration Standards. This list
is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to describe some of the more important
standards, and to direct the reader to additional information on each. The Standards
are presented alphabetically, according to the Standards body responsible for
writing and maintaining these standards.
For more a more detaild list of relevant Enterprise Integration standards, see The PERA User Guide for your industry (e.g., chemical industry) and Principal Role (e.g., Owner/Operator or Vendor). Standards in the User Guides are organized according to the Discipline (Professional Role) responsible for implementing that standard. For Enterprise Integration, the main Professional Roles) are: 770-Control Systems, 780-Industrial Computing (including MES), and 790-Industrial Telecom.
ASCM - Association for Supply Chain Management
is a "not-for-profit" membership group serving industry with supply chain and
operations management educational and reference materials as well as courses
and workshops.
- The ASCM Dictionary
is referenced in the PERA Dictionary of Enterprise Integration and we usually treat its supply chain definitions on as authorative.
- ASCM also offer a Downloadable Dictionay App Note that this may require setting up a (free) ASCM membership account.
CEN CENELEC is the European Committee for Standardization, located in Brussels.
- CEN TC310 WG1 is the working group that deals with Enterprise Modelling for Computer Integrated Manufacturing within TC310, the technical committee for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies. TC310 has primarily focused on discrete manufacturing.
- CEN work is coordinated with ISO TC184/SC5/WG1 (see below) under the Vienna agreement.
US Department of Energy Cyber Security Strategy
- Press Release announcing
the release of the Draft of Cybersecurity Risk
Management Process (RMP) Guideline for Public Comment
IEC - technical committees and subcommittees
- IEC 61131-3 Industrial Control Programming Standards including:
- Sequential Function Charts
- Ladder Diagrams
- Function Block Diagrams
- Instruction Lists
- Structured Text
- IEC 61804-2 FDI Field Device
brings Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL)
and Field Device Tool (FDT) standards
together. The evolution of this standard from the Hart EDDL and Profibus
FDT is described in this Fieldbus Foundation slideshare presentation.
ISA - The Instrumentation, Systems and
Automation Society
- ISA 50 Fieldbus Industrial Data
Highway Standard. Also published as IEC 61150-2
- This was created as an answer to the Profibus standard after many years of committee discussion.
- ISA-88 Batch Control Standard.
This standard covers a wide range of control and data issues associated
with batch process plants.
- ISA-95 Enterprise to Control System Integration
- ISA-95 addresses the exchange of data between Control Systems and
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). It contains many PERA concepts
and references.
- This presentation gives an introduction
to S95
- ISA-99 - Security standard offering guidance documents and standards on
IT security to existing industrial control and automation Systems
- Part 1 – defines terms and models used in automation security
- Part 2 – establishing Cyber Security Management Systems
- This
presentation discusses Industrial Systems Security in general, as
well as addressing the implications of S99 and IEC 62443 (see here
for handout version)
- ISA-100 Wireless Networking Standard
- ISA100 (IEC 62734) is an international, industrial wireless networking
standard engineered to serve the needs of process industries.
- With native IPv6 networking, ISA100 Wireless extends the Industrial
Internet of Things (IIOT) to wireless.
- The ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute was established to certify
vendor implementations of this standard.
- ISA-108 Intelligent Device Managment Standard
- Part 1 - This standard provides concepts and terminology for use of
intelligent instrumentation and other industrial devices that are capable
of configuration, communication and internal diagnostics.
This presentation explains what ISA-108 is about, and why it is important.
- See EI Developments for more information on the development of Parts 2, 3, and 4 of this standard.
ISO - International
Standards Organization
- ISO TC184
SC5 WG1 Enterprise Modelling and Architecture
- Supported by NIST (US National Institute of Standards & Technology)
- Coordinated with CEN TC310 WG1 (see above) under
the "Brussels Agreement"
- ISO 15000 Electronic
Business eXtensible Markup Language, or ebXML
- ISO 15926 Defines
an Enterprise Life Cycle Data Exchange standard which is coordinated
with ISO 14224 in the Reference Domain, and ISO 18435 & 13374 in the
Execution Environment.
55000 Asset Management Systems
- ISO 55000 provides an overview of asset management and asset management
- ISO 55001 specifies requirements for an asset management system
- ISO 55003 defines sector-specific, asset-specific or activity-specific technical requirements for an asset management system
MESA - Manufacturing
Execution Systems Association.
MESA is a World-leading organization for industrial IT systems above Control
Systems and below Corporate IT, including Site Maintenance Management, Production
Scheduling and other site MES system. MESA develops standards and manages a
large set of development projects including OPC UA (see below).
MIMOSA - Machinery Information
Management Open Systems Alliance
MIMOSA is a non-profit industry association, focused on enabling solutions
leveraging supplier neutral, open standards, to establish an interoperable
industrial ecosystem for Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) solutions. Standards
provides a Conceptual Common Object Model and canonical XML representation
of that model, that addresses manufacturing, fleet, and facility environments
- Open O&M is an initiative
of multiple industry standards organizations to provide a harmonized set
of standards for the exchange of Operations and Maintenance data and the associated context.
provides asset management-related information standards, and
- The Manufacturing and Facilities Joint Working Groups offer end users
a harmonized set of data exchange standards avoiding duplication of work.
is a membership-only organization of users of automation in process industries.
NAMUR Standards include:
- NA 01 (1967): Noncontacting Initiators and amplifiers - Characteristics
proximity switches (IEC 60947-5-6 Current ranges for signal levels of digital
transmitters )
- NE 43: Standardization of the Signal Level for Failure Information (Discrimination
between process and failure information, also µP based devices
- NE 105: Specifications for Integrating Fieldbus Devices in Engineering
Tools for Field Devices.
- NE 131: NAMUR Standard Device Field Device Requirements for Standard Applications
(80% of application cases).
- NE 132: Coriolis Mass Meters including "Weights and Measures" approval
- NE 107: Self-Monitoring and Diagnosis of Field Devices
OAG Open Applications
is a non-profit consortium focusing on best practices and process-based
XML content for eBusiness and Application Integration. OAG
projects include:
- Content work defining business processes, their messages and the data
- Technical work comprised of XML design, development, UML repository work,
and application architecture.
OMG Object Management Group
is an international, open membership, non-profit computer industry standards
consortium dedicated to setting vendor-neutral software standards, and enabling
distributed enterprise-wide interoperability. OMG standards include:
- UML Unified Modelling Language
An object-oriented graphical language standard
for expressing program design. Includes Class and Object diagrams, Structure
diagrams, and Use Case diagrams.
Meta-Object Facility
Defines a standardized repository for meta-data such as definitions of data
types or UML models.
XML Metadata Interchange
A format for interchange of meta-data such as transferring the model to
the next step in a design process.
- CORBA Common
Object Request Broker Architecture
A vendor-independant specification of a way for computer applications to
work together over networks. It includes an Interface Definition Language
(IDL), and the GIOP and IIOP protocols. CORBA provides a standard way for
applications in any language, on any operating system, or network to communicate
with applications in any other language, on any other operating system,
or network.
- CWM Common Warehouse Metamodel
This specification describes metadata interchange among data warehousing,
business intelligence, knowledge management and portal technologies.
- MDA Model Driven Architecture
An open, vendor-neutral approach to system development based on UML, XMI,
OPC Foundation
is a cooperative industry body that develops royalty-free electronic business
standards for trading partners within the Global Energy Industry. This includes
data acquisition and transport standards.
- Standards library of
electronic forms and EDI documents for the petroleum and pipeline industry
UA is a platform-independant service-oriented architecture specification
that integrates all functionality from existing "classic" OPC
specifications. Its 19 parts cover topics including: Security Model, Address
Space Model, Services, Information Model, Mappings, Profiles, Data Access,
Alarms and Conditions, Programs, Historical Access, Discovery, Aggregates,
Architecture for Analyzers, PLCs, FDI, and Devices, as well as an ISA-95
Common Object Model.
PIDX International
is an industry body that develops royalty-free electronic business standards
for trading partners with the Global Energy Industry.
- Standards library of
electronic forms and EDI documents for the petroleum and pipeline industry
Process Industry Practices
is an initiative of CII
the Construction Industry Institute, and the University of Texas at Austin.
PIP provides standards which are "harmonized" from engineering company standards
in multiple disciplines including:
Profibus and Profinet International
provides standards and testing for Profibus hardware and software including
the PROFIBUS Industrial Data Highway
STEP STandard for Exchange
of Product Data
This standard is achieving wide international acceptance and isrequired on large
US government projects, however it has been largely superceded in process industries
by ISO 15926 .
XML EXtensible
Markup Language
- XML is the universal format for structured documents on the web.
- XML is a subset of SGML which was developed by IBM. XML was issued by the W3C
Consortium in 1998.
- It is has received rapid acceptance at all levels in the enterprise architecture for exchanging information between applications.
- It is also the basis for many related standards. including BPMN and B2MML
TIA / EIA Telecommunications Industry Association / Electronic Industries Association.
- The TIA/EIA 568
TIA/EIA 568 Commercial Building Telecommunication standard was jointly developed
by TIA and EIA.
- The ISO/IEC-11801
Generic Customer Premises Cabling standard is an international cabling standard,
based on the ANSI/TIA/EIA-568, that may be used for industrial control systems
and premises cabling.
- The TIA/EIA 568
TIA/EIA 568 structured cabling standards define how to design, build, and
manage a Structured Cabling System (SCS). An SCS has specific performance
characteristics at each hierarchical level. For example, a workgroup LAN haslower-performance
requirements than the building backbone network, which may in turn connect
to a high speed single or multimode fiber-optic network.
- Category 5 TIA/EIA 568A and 568B Configuration
is not an enterprise integration standard, but very handy if you need to make
an ethernet cable to connect something ! )
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs about Enterprise Integration Standards and Models.
General Standards References
Tech Street Industry
Standards Page This site provides listing and archives of many
standards. They provide a video about how to use their online standards.
They will even send a notice that standards you purchased have changed. Tech Street is not
limited to enterprise integration standards and addresses a huge set of standards
bodies from around the world.
Computers and Comunication
Standards and Cross References page is a good standards resource with a
target audience of IT and telecommunications professionals (Disciplines 780
and 784). It includes links to many relevant standards homepages.
We welcome your Comments and Suggestions
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