The Carnot Project in the Enterprise Integration Program of the Information Systems Division at MCC was established to address the problem of logically unifying physically-distributed, enterprise-wide, heterogeneous information. World-wide information management is the objective. Specifically, Carnot will provide a user with the means to navigate information efficiently and transparently, to update that information consistently, and to write applications easily for large, heterogeneous, distributed information systems, systems where resources may even reside on the conventional, closed environments that pervade businesses world-wide.
Carnot has
developed and assembled a large set of generic facilities
that are focused on the problem of managing integrated enterprise
information. These
facilities are organized as five sets of services:
The sponsors of the Carnot Project at MCC were Andersen Consulting, Bellcore, Ameritech, Amoco, Boeing Computer Services, Department of Defense, Eastman Kodak , Eastman Chemical Company, and NCR/AT&T.
For more information see MCC Carnot Project Home Page