To facilitate communication, it is necessary to add a CIAD and a CIND diagram to the usual diagrams such as P+IDs, Loop Diagrams, Control Logic Diagrams, etc. These are used beginning at Conceptual Engineering, and continuing to facility operations. The Control and Information Architecture Diagram (CIAD) and the Control and Information Network Diagram (CIND) communicate to all project participants an overview of the physical and Logical architecure of the enterprise from the plant sensor and control devices to the corporate board room.
It is important to stanardize what is represented on each type of Control and Information System Diagram.Based on our experience to date, we propose the following:
The Control and Information Architecture Diagram should include:
The CIAD is developed during the Conceptual Engineering Phase, in parallel with the PFD (or MFD).
The Control and Information System Network Diagram should include the following:
The CIND is developed during the Preliminary Engineering Phase, in parallel with the PFD (or MFD).