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PERA Enterprise Integration Web Site

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A large industrial enterprise is one of the most complex entities created by man. It consists of facilities, people, and Control and information systems in a complex and interacting mix. It may be so complex that managment cannot even define its complexity, let alone understand and optimize it. PERA provides a way to break down enterprises into understandable components, to allow staff at all levels to see the "20,000 ft view" as well as to describe the detals that they see around them every day.

This web site describes:

The PERA methodology is unique, in that it:

The PERA Enterprise Architecture and Life Cycle Model has been placed in the public domain to encourage its use and development. Is our intent on this PERA website to:

  1. introduce concepts of enterprise integration including the latest approaches and tools.
  2. provide a second level of detail to explain "why" and "how" PERA may use certain approaches and tools.
  3. provide web links to additional information wherever possible, including training tutorials, procedures and forms, reference systems, etc., that may be immediately beneficial to end users.

While items 1) and 2) are provided on this website for free, providers of additional "level 3" information from other websites, hardcopy publishers, software and service providers, may request payment.

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Please feel free to bookmark this site and to download its materials for reference. No royalty is requested for this material, however all copyright is retained by the authors. Articles may be freely copied for personal use or distribution within your company provided that copyright is included. Commercial use or redistribution is forbidden without the written permission of the author. Do not continue further unless you accept the following conditions.

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This site is best viewed with Microsoft Explorer or any browser that supports "Frames". As you browse the resources we provide links to, you may return to any of our major topic areas (in the left menu bar) with a single click. If, however, websites "take over" your browser, you may still return to the PERA website with the browser's "back arrow".

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by Gary Rathwell © reserved

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