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PERA Enterprise Integration Principles

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Since the days of the pharohs, inspired individuals have been able to successfully undertake enormous enterprises. However, even today, successful enterprises seem to owe as much to luck as to science.

I believe there are some simple principles that relate to any enterprise, and that can make implementing enterprise systems more understandable and predictable. Although there are deep mathematical and philosophical reasons behind these prinicples, they can be expressed simply. In this introduction, I will describe these principles, and provide links to more detailed discussion of each principle.

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If you don't know where you are going, you probably won't get there.

PERA provides a structured approach to Enterprise Master Planning and implementation.

PERA also provides a rich set of recommended planning work processes, example documents and reference materials.

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Three Elements of PERA (Facilities, People & Systems) - 3027 Bytes

There are only 3 major components of any enterprise:

  • Physical Plant Production Facilities
  • People and Human Organization
  • Control and Information Systems

PERA provides an Enterprise life cycle model which clearly defines the roles and relationships among physical plant, people, and information systems.

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Phases of an Enterprise - 3606 Bytes

Each enterprise may be broken into clearly defined "Phases"

The following are crucially important rules of project management associated with project phasing.

  • Define clear "deliverables" at the end of each phase
  • Don't proceed to the next phase before formal signoff by all interested groups.
  • Don't backtrack on information defined in the previous phase unless the design is unsafe or won't work.

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There are 2 basic rules of project management:

  • Divide and Conquer
  • Don't Cut it Where it is Thickest

It is said that the only way to eat an elephant is to get a lot of help. Similarly, major projects must be divided into smaller parts which can be accomplished in parallel by different teams (Divide and Conquer).

Unfortunately, the more information which must be shared between different teams, the more difficult will be the coordination and management. It is therefore critical to divide the project into sub-projects in a way which minimizes flow of information across sub-project boundaries (Don't cut it where it is thickest).

The PERA Architecture provides natural lines at which to make these divisions.

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PERA Model - 1982 Bytes

Enterprise Systems must be effectively integrated with Physical Plant Engineering and Human and Organizational development.

PERA provides a life cycle model which demonstrates how to integrate Enterprise Systems, Physical Plant Engineering and Organizational Development from enterprise concept to dissolution.

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We believe the PERA methodology presents the best alternative for a "GERAM" or General Enterprise Reference Architecture Methodology. PERA was used as the basis for ISA 95 and a number of other Enterprise Integration standards.  

by Gary Rathwell © reserved

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